Affluence is not found in the abundance
of worldly goods, but in the richness
of the soul (heart, self).

“This (Hadith) is the core philosophy that underpins my work with couples’’
Assalamu Alaikum and welcome,
I’m an experienced transformative coach who specialises in helping Muslim couples build resilient, more connected, tranquil relationships.
The above Hadith is the core philosophy that inspires and underpins my work. I truly believe that our success in life is directly impacted by the quality of our relationships and coaching has the power to help people transform themselves, their situations and their relationships.
Few things are as painful as a splintered or disconnected relationship so I’m all about helping you get super clear on the kind of relationship you desire, and learning the tools you need to create it.
My dedication to facilitating meaningful relationships led me to publish a bestselling du’ā book, An Affluent Heart that draws inspiration from the beautiful names and attributes of Allāh. The book aims to enrich the hearts of couples and their relationships through du’ā.
I am passionate about the work I do and together, we can achieve your relationship goals. It’ll be an honour and privilege to serve you.

"I have read An Affluent Heart and
I love the book.
I would not change anything in it…
A beautiful book, Alhamdulillah."
Mufti Ismail Menk, Zimbabwe